Services Offered
Joyce Terreni’s Plastic Arts Restoration Studio has specialised for ten years in the conservation and restoration of antique, modern and contemporary works of art. The studio restores terracotta, majolica, earthenware, grès stoneware, porcelain, plaster, stucco, papier mâché, glass, wax and ivory works of art. The studio also restores stone, mosaic, commessi in pietre dure and concrete objects.
The studio works for ecclesiastical and private entities, museums, galleries, foundations, auction houses, antique dealers as well as for private, national and foreign collectors. Over the years, we have successfully developed a very solid relationship of client loyalty.
It is a priority to understand the client's needs, to know how to best advise the client and then decide together on the most appropriate measures to be taken to restore the object, acting in complete respect of the artwork and using reversible materials.
Research is aimed at finding the right solution for each object and the continuous updating combined with the use of modern and sophisticated equipment, are the principles that distinguish this restoration studio's activity.
Where necessary, the studio collaborates with restorers operating in other sectors. It also makes use of the technical-scientific support from art historians, professionals specialised in the diagnostics of cultural heritage and photographers, as well as from many other professionals in the field.
Consultation and scheduled maintenance relating to the conservation of the artwork.
On-site inspection or analysis in the studio of the object.
Preparation of the restoration project together with a cost estimate.
Historical, artistic and diagnostic analysis in collaboration with specialised professionals.
Restoration intervention.
Professional photographic documentation before, during and after the restoration.
Compilation of a detailed restoration report.
Writing condition reports: an indispensable document that defines the condition of a work of art, that must be set down before a temporary loan or a possible sale can take place.

Contrary to what one might think, the restoration of ceramic objects, regardless of their age, require the same attention, care and preparation as any other material being restored.
There are many types, shapes and sizes of ceramic pieces and infinite reasons for their deterioration, losses, cracks, damage or breakages.
Analysis of the object
Preparation of the restoration project together with a cost estimate
Historical, artistic and diagnostic analysis in collaboration with specialised professionals
Photographic documentation before, during and after restoration
Compilation of a detailed restoration report with analysis of the condition and causes of the deterioration, action taken, methodologies and materials used

The studio is specialised in working on different types of stone, furniture or monumental pieces from any historical period.
Analysis of the object
Preparation of the restoration project together with a cost estimate
Historical, artistic and diagnostic analysis in collaboration with specialised professionals
Restoration intervention: preliminary cleaning tests; cleaning with solvents and suitable supports; mechanical cleaning; removal of old restoration interventions; consolidation; assembly of the fragments using a specific resin; insertion of pins; reconstruction of the missing parts with an appropriate mortar or resin; plastering; chromatic balancing; final protective application
Photographic documentation before, during and after restoration
Compilation of a detailed restoration report with analysis of the condition and causes of the deterioration, action taken, methodologies and materials used

Wax is an extremely ductile material and falls into the category of being perishable because it breaks so easily and is sensitive to heat. It is of fundamental importance to know the material well before working with it and a careful planning of all the restoration phases is necessary.
Analysis of the object
Preparation of the restoration project together with a cost estimate
Historical, artistic and diagnostic analysis in collaboration with specialised professionals
Restoration intervention: preliminary cleaning tests; chemical and mechanical cleaning; removal of old restoration interventions; consolidation; assembly of the fragments; integrating with a coloured wax to match the original
Photographic documentation before, during and after restoration
Compilation of a detailed restoration report with analysis of the condition and causes of the deterioration, action taken, methodologies and materials used