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Joyce Terreni


Restorer and collaborator registered in the ministerial list of “Restoration technicians of cultural heritage” specialised in the conservation and restoration of:
Terracotta, majolica, pottery, grès stoneware and porcelain
Glass, ivory and wax
Stone materials, plaster and stucco
Papier mâché
Joyce received her diploma in “Architecture and Furnishings” at the Leon Battista Alberti artistic secondary school in Florence and first became interested in studying the art of mosaics after attending workshops held by Prof. Giancarlo Raddi from the Opificio delle Pietre Dure. Subsequently, she attended a three-year professional course at the Palazzo Spinelli Institute for Art and Restoration in Florence and obtained the diploma as a qualified technician for the restoration of ceramics and stone works of art) in 2010. From 2010 to 2011, she specialised in the restoration of archaeological finds.
After further years of training and internships in museums and restoration laboratories in Italy and abroad, she began working with restorer, Franca Gambarotta Terzi, who had been her ceramic restoration teacher.

In 2016, Joyce founded her plastic arts restoration studio under the name Arti Plastiche Studio di Restauro, which is registered as an artisan company.

She constantly participates in refresher courses, workshops, technical meetings and conferences dedicated to new methods applied to the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage.

Arti Plastiche Studio di Restauro-Joyce Terreni-avorio-restauro cemento-restauro pietra-restauro porcellana-restauro maiolica-restauro gesso-aerografo-restauro pittorico-05
Arti Plastiche Studio di Restauro-Joyce Terreni-porcellana-restauro maiolica-restauro gesso-aerografo-restauro pittorico-12

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